SSL certificate renewal for our legacy telemetry endpoint
Incident Report for Pusher
The SSL certificate for our client stats endpoint expired at 00:00 UTC, but the issue was resolved at 8:49 AM UTC.
During this period, clients who opted to send client stats using older versions of the JavaScript SDK for web (PusherJS) encountered some errors and were unable to send telemetry data to our servers.

This does not impact any functionalities of our SDK, even in older versions. However, it's worth mentioning that we are unable to verify this on much older versions of our SDKs, as our team no longer monitors them.

We have replaced the certificate on this endpoint with an auto-renewable certificate to prevent this issue from happening. The client stats endpoint is a legacy endpoint and is not being used in newer versions of our SDKs.
Posted Apr 22, 2024 - 06:00 UTC